
July 12, 2018 - On Creativity

The study of creativity in western thought has a long history. You can search the internet for profound and useful comments on the topic until you're cross-eyed. Everybody has a definition, a list of 4 to 6 to 10 traits of creative people, descriptions of creative brains, and what creativity is not. For every definition or assertive quote, there is its opposite. All this says to me, "Who knows what creativity is? Take a guess!"

One dictionary defines creativity as "the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work," but why limit creativity to art? (Let's NOT try to define art.) Rollo May, in The Courage to Create, writes, "Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being," but then, so is childbirth. I'm beginning to believe that I'm going to rely on my personal judgment; like Justice Potter Steward of the U.S. Supreme Court (1964) said in regard to pornography--"I know it when I see it." Yes, that's creative!

As to the creative process, which is my current focus, Human Motivation by Robert E. Franken may be useful. He credits the ability to generate alternatives and new possibilities and enjoying the process of doing so as essential to creativity. He thinks creators need novel, varied, and complex stimulation, need to communicate ideas and values, and need to solve problems. Some writers point to myths about creativity--that you're born with it,  have to be right-brained, it's accident/luck, or the result of a crazed mind.

The point of this website is to actually talk with people who create and ask them to explain what's going on with them--talk to us. Help us understand. We love your vision, what you do--share your joy and knowledge.  Cleveland County Creators - talk to  us!


Creativity is intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein