
The Start

Here's the start of it, then--a place to honor the creative souls of Cleveland County, Oklahoma, USA--whose output in every which medium, temporal moment, sigh and song, cake and pie, brings joy to the hearts of the locals.

I'v always wondered what makes a person create--what drives them to stop in the middle of sweeping a floor and contemplate the dust motes floating in the sun ray, or add just a dash more hot pepper to the stew. Why does the artist refuse to add another stroke to the paper, the writer type "The End"? How do they know the creative process is ending?  Most of all what makes any human want to bring something new into the world?

It's the process that intrigues me, not the finished product, although I may enjoy it immensely, feel it in the gut, and be filled with gratitude at an experience. So here goes--off on a journey to discover the riches in Cleveland County.