
August 12, 2023

Too busy living to stop and post a note? It happens often! But to remark on two events that filled the creative basket a bit, I delighted yesterday afternoon in a presentation at the University of Oklahoma, FLUX, by the Central Oklahoma Ballet Theatre, which added to my conviction that the grafting of one art form upon another is something the time calls for. In particular, Puddlewonderful was inspired by E.E. Cummings’ poem of the same name, and the spoken word rhythms meshed beautifully with the music and dance. A second choreography was based on The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and the artful movements, costuming, and music brought the poor demented narrator alive.

Bathed in these riches, my friend and I spent a happy hour at the Fred Jones Museum viewing Yellowstone in Color: Thomas Moran and Louis Prang Print the West, a special exhibition of chromolithographs produced by their collaboration in 1876. These 15 chromolithographs of the newly created Yellowstone Park are still considered the finest ever produced. The color is breathtaking, and the exhibition nicely balanced between the practical printing arts and the prints themselves. It was a great refuge from the 110 degree heat outside.