
January 6, 2022

And yes, another year is here. Just a note to remind us all to keep the creative juices flowing. It’s easy to get distracted by outside events and cave into doing the mundane to avoid the hard work of creativity.

I’ve been blessed in 2021 by the show in August and subsequently entry into the juried show at The Paseo Arts Association, 2021 SmallArtShow. ‘Point of Creation” was accepted and I’m grateful for a chance to hear comments. My buddy, Gregg Standridge, also had a great piece hanging as well. Here’s to more of this in the future!

January 21, 2022 -

Just received notice that my multimedia piece, “Past Party Time,” (below) has been accepted for an online show, “Red,” hosted by the Colors of Humanity for their February show. Check in the first of the month and take a look at the exhibit. I was feeling the sort of empty, yet satiated, feeling one gets at the end of a great night of partying. Love playing around with media.